The morning after can be a very interesting time. I’ve found that I’ve had some of my deepest, most memorable conversations lying in bed with someone I defiled (and was defiled by) the night before. Your body is spent, your sexual appetite is sated (or at least softened), and your mind is fresh. The insecurities that were demolished the night before have yet to weasel their way back in. There’s an innocence there, an honesty, that’s usually hidden away behind the defenses we for one reason or another usually feel compelled to put up when interacting with others. There’s a brief period where you understand the absurdity of trying to hide things from someone who has seen you at your most passionate, most vulnerable, most naked (completely and utterly naked, sometimes for hours on end, and in some pretty interesting positions). It’s like the weight of everyday life has been lifted, and you’re finally able to talk to someone with a sincerity not otherwise possible. It’s this beautiful time, just lying there in bed with another human being, before you’re both forced to return to the real world, before you each put your clothes back on, and the personas and proclivities that go with them. It’s a brief period that in my experience has proven conducive to honest discourse and genuine communication. Again, some of the best conversations I’ve had have been the morning after, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.