INTERVIEW: Andrew Harper
CALEB ASYMOV (novella) Receiver of Wreck: Flotsam
ERIC BLAIR (fiction) A Tragic Maturation of Incompetents
MACEY BLAVOS (fiction) Walking & Talking
MARVIN FARMER (essay) KNOWLEDGE: Why I’m Not a Foundationalist or a Coherentist, but Something in Between
FRANKLIN FRADTNER Amalgamatic Themes
A Letter from His Wife
His Sister’s Husband’s Niece
The Middle of Next Week
A Hippopotamus
A Vegetable-Pill
A Bear without a Head
A Penny-Postage Stamp
Double Rule of Three
A Bar of Mottled Soap
ANDREW HARPER (paintings)
My Toggle-Lamp: Now You See Me, Now You Don’t
Glass Beads in a Bell Jar: 30s, 15s, 7.5s, ad infinitum
FRANCISCO ISIDORO (poem) A Creaking Disillusionment: Welcome Canto
CHARLIE LE BON (poem) Asota
MICHELLE REESE (fiction) You Took My Dreams from Me
ROSE SÉLAVY (sculpture series) Adynata 1–4
LETICIA TRUONG Architect: Venice Beach Canal House
DAPHNE WARRER (fiction) Sui Generis
Andrew Harper is a Venice-based artist practiced in a vast array of mediums, from paint to digital to the written word. His works often involve complex constructions, and routinely incite the observer to question the nature of identity and/or reality.
RANK! was born of resistance and revolt, frustration and defiance…when two individuals refused to concede and compromise as their respective industries demanded they certainly “ought to” if they seriously wanted to succeed…